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Hello, Arizona!
I am oh so verrrryyyy slowly getting settled into my new apartment. It was only two days ago that I finally got everything put away that I could, and everything else that requires more storage options to be purchased before they can be unpacked are at least now out of the way in my closet. No more random boxes in every room! Which is making things look quite bare at the moment, since I moved without the majority of my furniture, and since furniture that doesn’t suck is all expensive and shit, I’m still working on getting what I need.
I’ve made a very few videos lately, but plan on increasing my efforts starting in the near future, now that my place is semi presentable. I’m also hoping to start live camming again, possibly by the beginning of March or so, but as of now this is what my cam room looks like:
I have a desk on the way, so while I might have a pretty boring looking setup for a while, I should be able to get back in business once I get that in place. Hurry up, Amazon!
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